Terms & conditions
Images (photos, logos, graphics, etc.) throughout this site and related sites owned and operated by Camp Sunshine at Sebago Lake, Inc. may not be used for personal use, for advertising, or for any other promotional or commercial purpose, unless a separate signed consent for such use is obtained from Camp Sunshine, and in the case of photographs, also from each person depicted therein. Images may be used for reproduction for news, editorial, or educational purposes but not in any manner that would violate the rights of any individual, organization, or other entity.

Our images may not be added to any stock photo collection. As many of our images portray children with life-threatening illnesses and their family members, we reserve the right to refuse requests that we deem inappropriate or insensitive to the individuals portrayed. Copyright and credit must be attributed to either the photographer or Camp Sunshine at Sebago Lake, Inc. each time an image is used.
Use of our logos and other graphics/imagery must follow the same process, and requires express written permission from Camp Sunshine.
For permission, please contact Kayley Walker at (207) 655-3800 or kwalker@campsunshine.org.