
These dark blue Camp Sunshine towels are 100% cotton.


These vibrant pink Camp Sunshine towels are 100% cotton.


This Camp Sunshine lanyard is super bright and has a key ring.


These sports water bottles are transparent and have a “press here to drink” button and a cover to prevent spills. The 25 oz. bottles come in in charcoal, ocean blue, and berry pink. The 32 oz. bottles are only olive green.


These Avex travel mugs hold 16 oz. and have an autoseal to prevent spilling. One color available: olive green.


These warm hats will bring a little Sunshine to your winter days. They have a pompom and are 100% Acrylic. They come in raspberry, lime, and blue. One size fits most.

Adult Clothing Novelties

Spearheaded by longtime volunteer, Dot Gonyea, along with The Golden Line Dancers & Company, these generous folks collected their best recipes for this cookbook in hopes of raising enough money from its sales to send as many families as possible to Camp Sunshine!
